What is Your Favorite Media?

Charlie Ertz
2 min readAug 28, 2020

Hi everyone, my name is Charlie Ertz and my favorite form of media would most likely be Sports broadcasting and coverage. No matter what form of social media you are on, there are always sections of those platforms that cover sports, making it very difficult to miss and aims to intrigue users to view their material. Businesses use a sort of “Mutual Causation Model” in order to encourage viewers to tune into the actual events they advertise. Being one of the leading money making industries in the world, it is often very difficult to find platforms or any forms of media that do not cover a lot of information that has to do with sports broadcasting. In today’s world, sports and athletes are looked at on a pedestal and used for advertisements such as beer, insurance agencies, cereal, and tons of other things because of the following and massive influence that it has in our society. Businesses such as Bleacher Report and ESPN use highlight reels and talk shows in order to encourage more viewers as well as creating fanbases in order to draw in more money. The “Mutual Causation Method” is the idea that two things are linked together because one thing is the direct cause of the other thing happening. I believe businesses like these use the “Mutual Causation Model” because by creating highlights and web articles about upcoming athletes ect…, It draws new people into creating a new fanbase, which in turn, creates more revenue for the teams and sports networks. Bleacher report uses highlights, articles of new and upcoming players, injury reports, and oppinions and coverage of rival teams playing each other, keeping people completely updated and aware of every event that occurs in their favorite sports. Plenty of other media uses these methods in order to spread brand reputation because of how influencial sports are in our everyday life. It affects us during all aspects of our lives, whether its driving down the freeway and seeing team logos on a billboard, watching tv and seeing commercials come on, t shirts and apparel, and even putting team logos on alcohol draws people towards the businesses constantly. In the “Branding in Sport” article on researchgate.net, it talks about how sports have become a multi billion dollar industry because companies want to associate their logo with a specific team or player which in turn, their notoriety makes the companies profit as well. Sports Media quite possibly has the biggest influence on our lives because of the massive impact it has on literally everything that surrounds us and integrates itself one way or another into all facets of our lives.

